A selection of images related to dendrochronology (tree-ring dating)

Buildings dated in West Sussex

Chichester Moir, A K, 2011 Dendrochronological analysis of an oak timber from Borrans, 41 Pook Lane, East Lavant, Chichester, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, LAPL/03/11

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Clapham Moir, A K, 2012 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Church House, Clapham, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, BNCH/31/12

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Coolham Moir, A K 2002 Dendrochronological analysis of timbers from Coolham Barn, Coolham, West Sussex, England. Tree-Ring Services, Report: CBBI/30/02.

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Crawley Moir, A K, 2016 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from The Tree, 103 High Street, Crawley, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RHTT/26/16

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Duncton Moir, A K, 2014 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from The Manor House, Duncton, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, GUMF/21/14

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East Grinstead Moir, A K, 2011 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Charlwood Farm, East Grinstead, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, EGCF/11/11

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Heyshott Moir, A K, 2015 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Hoyle Farm, Heyshott, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, GUHF/22/15

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Heyshott Moir, A K, 2019 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Leggs Cottages, Heyshott, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, GULC/14/19

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Horsham Moir, A K, 2013 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from 11 The Causeway, Horsham, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RHCA/13/13

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Horsham Moir, A K, 2013 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from 15 The Causeway, Horsham, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RHBC/20/13

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Ifield Moir, A K 2004 Dendrochronological analysis of two additional timbers from Old Plough Cottage, Ifield, West Sussex, England. Tree-Ring Services, Report: IFOP/11/04

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Ifield Moir, A K, 2003 Dendrochronological analysis of timbers from Old Plough Cottage, Ifield, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, IFOP/18/03

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Kirdford Moir, A K, 2007 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Butts Cottage, Kirdford, West Sussex, England, Dendro Rep, PEBC/08/07

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Lindfield Moir, A K 2010 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from the Manor House, 85 High Street, Lindfield, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, MIMH/11/10

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Newpound Moir, A K, 2011 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Brinkhurst Cottage, Newpound, Wisborough Green, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RHBC/14/11

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Newpound Moir, A K, 2013 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Honeysuckle Cottage, New Pound, Wisborough Green, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGHC/24/13

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Poling Moir, A K, 2012 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Peckhams, Poling, Arundel, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, BNPE/26/12

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Rusper Moir, A K 2003 Dendrochronological analysis of timbers from Averys, Rusper, West Sussex. Tree-Ring Services, Report: RUAV/02/03

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Rusper Moir, A K, 2003 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Saykers, Rusper, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RUSK/34/03

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Shoreham by Sea Moir, A K, 2021 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Hunters Moon, 8 The Street, Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, BNHM/21/21

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Steyning Moir, A K, 2014 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Brotherhood Hall, Church Street, Steyning, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, SYBH/15/14

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Steyning Moir, A K, 2014 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Chatfields, 7 Church Street, Steyning, West Sussex, England , Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, BACH/38/14

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Steyning Moir, A K, 2014 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Holland Cottage, 13 & 15 Church Street, Steyning, West Sussex, England , Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, BAHC/34/14

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Storrington Moir, A K, 2007 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Parham House, Storrington, near Pulborough, West Sussex, England , Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, PAPA/01/07

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Warnham Moir, A K, 2006 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Old Manor, Warnham, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, WAOM/29/06

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West Grinstead Moir, A K, 2020 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Grants Farmhouse, West Grinstead, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RHGF/41/20

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West Hoathly Moir, A K, 2023 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from North Cottage, Upper Sheriff Farmhouse, West Hoathly, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RHNC/50/23

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Worthing Moir, A K, 2012 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from High Salvington Windmill, Worthing, West Sussex, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, BNHS/11/12

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Updated: 07/03/2024