Barhatch Farmhouse |
Moir, A K, 2008 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Barhatch Farmhouse, Cranleigh, Surrey, England,
Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, CRBF/15/08 |
Bay Tree Cottage |
Moir, A K, 2008 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Bay Tree Cottage, Cranleigh, Surrey, England,
Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, CRBT/14/08 |
Coldharbour Farmhouse |
Moir, A K, 2008 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Coldharbour Farmhouse, Cranleigh, Surrey, England,
Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, CLCH/12/08 |
Cranleigh Village Hospital |
Moir, A K, 2008 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Cranleigh Village Hospital, Cranleigh, Surrey, England,
Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, CLVH/11/08 |
Oliver House |
Moir, A K, 2008 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Oliver House, Cranleigh, Surrey, England,
Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, CLOH/09/08 |
Whitemeads |
Moir, A K, 2008 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Whitemeads, Cranleigh, Surrey, England,
Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, CLWM/10/08 |