Beenham |
Moir, A K, 2012 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from The White Cottage and Barn, Beenham, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGWC/29/12 |
Brightwalton |
Moir, A K, 2011 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Lavender Cottage, Brightwalton, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGCL/13/11 |
East Garston |
Moir, A K, 2020 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Church Cottage, East Garston, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGCC/05/20 |
Hungerford |
Moir, A K, 2009 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from 85-86 High Street, Hungerford, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, HUHS/24/09 |
Hungerford |
Moir, A K, 2011 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from 2 Bridge Street, Hungerford, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, HUBS/01/11 |
Hungerford |
Moir, A K, 2017 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from 2 Charnham Street, Hungerford, Berkshire, England., Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGCH/05/17 |
Hurst |
Moir, A K, 2012 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from High Chimneys, Hurst, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGHC/03/12 |
Maidenhead |
Moir, A K, 2009 Dendrochronological analysis of oak and pine timbers from Lynden Barn, Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, HOLB/17/09 |
Newbury |
Moir, A K, 2013 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from 17 and 18 West Mills, Newbury, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGWM/11/13 |
Newbury |
Moir, A K, 2013 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from 102-3 Northbrook Street, Newbury, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGNB/23/13 |
Newbury |
Moir, A K, 2015 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Coopers Arms, 39 Bartholomew Street, Newbury, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGCA/37/15 |
Newbury |
Moir, A K, 2016 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Bartholomew Cottage and Manor, Newbury, Berkshire, England., Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGBM/36/16 |
Newbury |
Moir, A K, 2017 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from 1 and 2 Weavers Cottages, West Mills, Newbury, Berkshire, England., Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGWC/24/17 |
Newbury |
Moir, A K, 2019 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from 102-3 Bartholomew Street, Newbury, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGBC/02/19 |
Newbury |
Moir, A K, 2019 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from The Old Waggon and Horses, Newbury, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGWH/16/19 |
Newbury |
Moir, A K, 2023 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from The Monument, 57 Northbrook Street, Newbury, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGNM/35/23 |
Sonning |
Moir, A K, 2023 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from the Old Cottage, Sonning, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGSO/14/21 |
Stanford Dingley |
Moir, A K, 2013 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Manor Barn 1, Stanford Dingley, Reading, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, RGMF/14/13 |
Windsor |
Moir, A K, 2015 Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from 23 Thames Street, Windsor, Berkshire, England, Tree-Ring Services, Dendro Rep, SLTS/03/15 |